第 7 年 企業指數 767 分
產品標準:GB/T 7373-2006
產品用途: 用作制冷劑、農藥噴霧劑,也用作滅火劑及氟樹脂的原料。
理化性質: 在常溫常壓下是一種無色、無味、無毒的氣體;熔點-146℃,沸點-40.8℃,相對密度(水=1)1.21;與空氣混合時,不燃、無爆炸危險,具有較高的熱穩定性和化學穩定性。
包裝規格:非重復充裝鋼瓶:30lb/13.6kg、50lb/22.7kg 重復充裝鋼瓶:400L、800L、926L、1000L、ISO-TANK。
Product name:Industrial Chlorodifluoromethane(HCHC-22) Chemical structure:CHClF2
Relative molecule mass:86.47 Product standard:GB/T 7373-2006
Application:The product is used an a refrigerant in household, industrial and commercial air-conditioning systems. It can also be used as an aerosol propellant for pesticide and paint, or as a fire extinguishing agent. It is a primary feedstock for fluoropolymers.
Physical and chemical properties:Under normal temperature and pressure, the product is a colorless, odorless and nontoxic gas. Its melting point is -146℃, its boiling point is -40.8℃ and its liquid density is 1.213g/cm3 at 20℃. Its mixture with air is nonflammable and free of explosion risk. It shows good thermal and chemical stabilities under normal conditions.
Storage & transportation:The product is packed in appropriate cylinders or tanks(or tank cars). It is to be kept in cool and dry place, without being exposed to heat source, sunlight and raining. It is to comply with the regulations of railway and road transportation issued by Chinese government concerning hazardous cargo.
Packing specifications:Non-refillable cylinder: 30lb/13.6kg、50lb/22.7kg;Refillable cylinder: 400L、800L、926L、1000L、ISO TANK